Meatball Soup

Video Recipe
Cooking instruction

We soften the vegetable mixture for the meatball soup in the pot in which we are going to make the soup. Add a tablespoon of broth, water and simmer over medium heat. In a separate bowl, make the composition for the meatballs. Add the minced meat, raw egg, rice and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Mix the composition until smooth, using a spoon. After the meatballs are formed, put them to boil in a separate pot, in which the water is already boiling. When the meatballs have boiled, add them to the pot along with the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper, and at the end we can add greenery, to taste. Serve hot with hot peppers.


☑️ 400 gr vegetable mixture for meatball soup
☑️ 1 tablespoon of broth
☑️ 500 ml of water
☑️ 1 raw egg
☑️ 300 gr minced meat mixture
☑️ 100 gr rice
☑️ salt and pepper
☑️ greenery, to taste
☑️ hot peppers